Nominations are now invited for the 2024 Tan Sri Datuk Ong Kee Hui Postgraduate Chemistry award

  • Best research MSc or PhD postgraduate thesis in Chemistry (the candidate must be a Malaysian and have been awarded his degree in the 2024 convocation)
  • A copy of the thesis should be submitted together with the examiners’ comments.

Thesis will be judged on quality as well as the relevance of the work to the local environment. Each university can only nominate one candidate for the award.
The nomination must be made by the Head of the Chemistry Department or the Dean of the School of Chemical Sciences of the University.

Please use the attached form in making your nomination, all nominations must reach the IKM Secretariat latest by 5.00 pm on 1st August every year.

The completed nomination forms as well as the thesis should be sent to the following address or by email to :

Institut Kimia Malaysia
127B Jalan Aminuddin Baki
Taman Tun Dr Ismail
60000 Kuala Lumpur
(Attn: Pn Siti)