1. An applicant must have been a member of at least 5 full years to qualify for travel support.
  2. A member must have paid up all his dues (Subscription, Benevolent Fund, Education Fund).
  3. He must have a paper/poster accepted at the conference. Priority will be given where a paper is accepted at an International Conference. Low priority will be given to poster papers.
  4. A grant shall normally not be issued to the same member within 5 calendar years of his last grant.
  5. Applications shall be considered 3 times a year. Closing dates for applications are 30 April, 31 August and 31 December.
  6. An applicant must indicate all other sources of funds that he has or intends to apply and its outcome.
  7. The maximum amount of grant shall be RM1,500 for international conferences outside Malaysia and RM750 for international conferences in Malaysia.
  8. The maximum amount for disbursements as travel grants from the Institute’s Education fund shall be RM10,000 per calendar year or such sum such as decided by the Council. This shall not include travel expenses for official representation at meetings e.g. FACS, IUPAC, which shall be paid from the General Fund. The amount set aside shall be increased by whatever additional donations that may be received for travel support from Foundations.
  9. In the selection for travel grants, the Council shall take into account the member’s participation in IKM activities (committees, Council, attendance at IKM Conferences/Seminars/Talks, etc.), and the quality of the paper. The applicant must also presented papers in at least 2 functions of IKM (HQ or Branch level) in the last five (5) years to qualify for the Travel Grant.
  10. In the selection of applicants, the Council shall give due consideration to applicants from various fields/circles (Universities, government, statutory bodies and industry).
  11. The successful applicant shall submit a written report of the Conference to the Council not later than one month of his return from the Conference. The remaining 25% of the approved grant shall be released after submission of the report, and a full financial statement.
  12. The application shall be made on an official application form available from the IKM Secretariat or Website.
  13. The Council reserves the right to publish the full paper or an abridged version in Berita IKM or the Malaysian Journal of Chemistry.