1. There shall be two annual “IKM Gold Medal” awards established, one for each of the following two categories:
    I.    Academic, research & development and education sectors
    II.  Government, professional, industrial and corporate sectors
  2. Two Medals, made of silver or other suitable metal plated with gold, are to be given to two members of the institute, who according to the institute, have fulfilled the above criteria for the Awards; specifically, one for Academic, research & development and education sectors and the other for Government, professional, industrial and corporate sectors.
  3. Each Medal would be engraved the words IKM GOLD MEDAL FOR EXCELLENCE IN CHEMISTRY, to be followed by the year of the awards.
  4. Each recipient of the Award shall also receive a certificate and a cash prize of RM5,000.
  1. The Council shall invite nominations for the Award from members of the institute not later than 31st May every year.
  2. Each member can only nominate up to a maximum of two nominees, one for each category.
  3. All nominations must be seconded by another member of the Institute and shall be accompanied by a biography and a recent photograph (passport size) of the nominee, and a supporting statement. The supporting statement should include the following (where applicable):
  • Teaching/lecturing/educational experience and expertise
  • Research and development including publications, supervision of postgraduate students, patents and copyright, etc.
  • Outreach programmes including mass & social media
  • Professional training and development
  • Industrial development including human resource development, innovations, new processes and technologies, inventions, etc.
  • Service, leadership, top management and entrepreneurship
  • Contributions to the advancement of chemistry in Malaysia and further development of Institut Kimia Malaysia
  • Contributions to national, regional and international development of chemistry
  • Other notable achievements in socio-economic, science, technology and innovation including public service/academic/professional/social recognition and awards

4. Nomination must be made on the IKM GOLD MEDAL Nomination Form obtainable from the Institute or its website

5. Nominations are only valid with the consent of the nominees.

  • All nominations must reach the IKM Secretariat latest by 5.00 pm on 15th July every year.
  1. Upon receiving the nomination(s), the Council shall establish a Panel of Assessors, not later than 31 August.
  2. The Panel of Assessors shall comprise the President and six eminent members of the Institute. The President shall be the chairperson of the Panel. The Panel shall convene a meeting with at least five assessors present.
  3. In the event that the President is unable to be the Chairperson of the Panel, the Vice President, or the Registrar, or a Council Member appointed by the Council, will act as the Chairperson.
  4. The Honorary Secretary of the Institute shall be the Secretary of the Panel but with no voting right.
  5. In the event that the Honorary Secretary is a nominee, or a proposer or seconder of nomination, then the Honorary Assistant Secretary shall be the Secretary of the Panel.
  6. Nominees and persons who propose and second nominations cannot be appointed as assessors.
  7. The Panel shall assess the nominees and make specific clear-cut recommendations to the Council for the award of the Gold Medals no later than 30 September.
  8. The decision of the Panel shall be by simple majority. In the event that there is a tie, the Chairperson shall have an additional casting vote.
  9. If, in the opinion of the Panel, there is no suitable candidate for the Award, no award shall be made that year
  1. The Council, upon receiving recommendations from the Panel of Assessors, shall endorse or reject these recommendations.
  2. Rejection of recommendation shall be by two-third majority of Council members present at the Council Meeting.
  3. There shall not be shared award in either of the categories.
  4. No person shall receive the award more than once.
  5. The decision of the Council shall be final.
  1. The Award shall be presented to the recipients at the annual Malam Kimia or at any other function decided by the Council.
  2. The Institute shall not pay for the expenses incurred by the recipients in attending the function to receive the Award.
  1. The Council may decide to award any person, the Honorary IKM Gold Medal for outstanding contribution to the profession of chemistry in Malaysia. Such decision by the Council shall be by two-thirds majority of the Council members present.
  2. Such honorary awards carry no cash prize. A medal will be given and engraved with the words “Honorary IKM Gold Medal for Outstanding Contribution to the Profession of Chemistry in Malaysia” to be followed by the year of the award.

These Rules of the Award can only be amended at a General Meeting.

  1. These Rules were approved at the Annual General Meeting in 2002.
  2. The Council also decided that previous IKM Gold Medal Awardees would not be considered for the Award again.


The completed nomination form should be sent to the following address or by email to ikmhq@ikm.org.my :

Institut Kimia Malaysia
127B, Jalan Aminuddin Baki
Taman Tun Dr Ismail
60000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(Attn: Executive Director)