Invitation to submit nomination
The annual Prize is intended to reward the best PhD graduate in the field of Polymer Science at a Malaysian Institution of Higher Learning. The prize to be awarded to the PhD student, who has demonstrated an outstanding academic contribution through his/her PhD’s work. The recipient will receive a cash prize and a certificate to be presented at the IKM’s Annual Chemistry Night (Malam Kimia).
RM 2,500.00 & Certificate
The Prize will be opened to candidates who have received their PhD from a Malaysian based institution. Self-nomination is acceptable. Nomination should consist of the following:
- Completed Nomination Form together with supporting documents;
- A statement of support (not more than 300 words) from the Nominator, or in the case of self-nomination, from the Nominee: and
- A copy of the PhD certificate from the University (stating the date of award)
The prize will be judged by a Panel of Judges based on the following criteria:
- Confirmation of the award of PhD between January 1st and December 31st of the previous year from a Malaysian Institution of Higher Learning (i.e. the prize to be awarded in 2024 will be based upon the nominee obtaining his/her PhD degree in 2023);
- The PhD thesis topic must be related to Polymer/Macromolecular Science;
- Evidence of transition to independence by the student in the PhD research programme;
- The quality and quantity of publications / outputs;
- The novelty of the student’s work and
- The student’s contribution to the advancement and communication of science in general.
Important note: Completed Nomination Form must reach IKM Secretariat latest by 30th August 2025.
127B, Jalan Aminuddin Baki
Taman Tun Dr Ismail
60000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +603-77283272 / +603-77283858
Fax: +603-77289909
(Attention to ChM Azizi)