Basic Tools and Operations of Laboratory Experiments – handling and care of basic laboratory instruments -analytical balances, glassware, pH meter, preparation of standard solutions, instrument uncertainty. Workplace Safety – prevention, PPE, waste management, biohazards and chemical waste. Data collection and simple statistics – units of measurements – significant figures. Validation for Instrumental Analysis – performance characteristics (accuracy, precision, LOD, LOQ, selectivity, sensitivity, bias and variance, linear and dynamic ranges, repeatability, reproducibility, system stability and robustness).

  • Introduction to Method Validation
  • SAMM Scheme
  • Descriptive Statistics
  • Outlier Tests – Dixon, Grubb and Cochran
  • Standard error of the mean
  • Confidence Intervals
  • Significance Testing, the Student t-test, F-test, one-way ANOVA, Analysis of Variance, Linear Regression, Standard Curve & its Confidence Intervals, Determination of method’s measurement uncertainty
  • Basic Understanding of Metrology and Calibration.
  • SI Units, definitions of relevant terms, and measurement principles;
  • National, Regional and International Metrology Organizations.
  • National standards and conformance infrastructure. Requirements of MS ISO/IEC 17025:2017 related to Calibration activities.
  • Environmental conditions and facilities;
  • Equipment;
  • Metrological Traceability;
  • Calibration procedures;
  • Reporting of Results. Interpretation of Calibration Results.
  • Some Examples. Questions and Answers.

Currently, there are many chemical laboratories for various purposes especially for testing, quality control, monitoring, and research. The chemicals purchased and produced may pose potential damage to human health and environment. The institutions or users must aware the risk for the accidental occurrence, misuse of chemicals, as well as terrorism. Therefore the knowledge of chemical safety and security is important to mitigate these risks. In this workshop, the topic will be covered including fundamentals or concept of chemical safety and security, personnel protection, chemical storage/ handling, emergency management/chemical spillage, and chemical safety management. It is paramount to establish a healthy and secure chemical laboratory.

  • Basic statistics for risk in conformity assessment
  • ISO 17025: 2017 requirements on reporting statement of conformity
  • Decision rules
  • Process and approaches in conformity assessment
  • Hypothesis (significance) testing
  • Reporting statement of conformity
  • SAMM Requirements for Internal Audit
  • Overview of the Internal Audit Process
  • Audit Schedule
  • Audit planning
  • Development of auditors skills
  • Conducting an Audit
  • The Audit Report and Follow-up

This training brings practical guidance for laboratories to organize interlaboratory comparisons (ILCs)
with a small number of participants (n = 2–7) which is not normally arranged by a proficiency testing
provider. The methodological guideline aims to provide practical approaches following the technical
requirements of organizing a small ILC.
Topics covered:

  • ISO 17025 and laboratory accreditation requirements on ILC
  • Design of small ILC
  • Preparation of test items
  • Distribution of ILC test items
  • Statistical evaluation of the results
  • Participation report

1) Theory & Principle of Infrared

2) The Infrared Spectrometers

3) Preparation Samples for IR Spectroscopy

4) Brief Interpretation of Characteristic Peaks

5) Interpretation of Peak Signals

  • Correlation Charts and Tables
  • Scrutinizing Functional Groups in IR

6) Application of IR Spectroscopy

7) Case studies and latest advancement

  • Introduction
  • General requirements
  • Structural requirements
  • Resource requirements
  • Process requirements
  • Management systems requirements

*eligible for 10 CEP points by DOSH

Topic 1 Overview of Management of Chemicals

  1. Chemicals discovered or made
  2. Chemicals used in Industries and laboratories
  3. Hazards in the workplace
  4. Causes of accident in workplace
  5. Chemical health risk assessment
  6. Safe management of chemicals

Topic 2 Local Laws & Regulations on Chemical Substances

  1. General outlines of Local laws : • Factories & Machinery Act 1967 • Pesticides Act 1994 • Environmental Quality Act 1974 and Regulations 2005 • Poisons Act 1952 and Regulations
  2. OSHA 1994 (Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994) a. USECHH Reg.2000 b. Class Regulation

Topic 3 Management of Chemicals – Cradle to Grave concept.

  1. Introduction to management of chemicals
  2. State the concept of Cradle to Grave:
    i. Manufacturing & Production
    ii. Chemical Purchasing
    iii. Transportation; and vital information on • HAZCHEM code
    iv. Receiving & Internal Transportation
    v. Storage
    vi. Usage and Handling
    vii. Disposal
  3. Explain elements of “From the Cradle to the Grave” concept.
  4. Explain other control strategies

Topic 4 Overview of Chemical Wastes / Laboratory wastes

  1. Introduction
  2. Explain the types of waste
  3. Environmental issues
  4. Definition of hazardous wastes
  5. Explain the characteristics of wastes
  6. Environmental & health effects of hazardous waste

Topic 5 Local laws & Regulations on Chemical Wastes / Laboratory wastes

  1. Waste (Under EQA 1974)
  2. Environmental Quality (Industrial Effluent) Regulations 2009
  3. Hazardous Waste Management [Under EQ (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005]

Topic 6 Wastes Management

  1. Introduction to waste management plan
  2. Wastes minimization, source reduction reuse and recycle
  3. Types of wastes a. Industrial wastes
  4. Storage of Schedule Wastes
  5. Industrial Effluent Treatment Systems a. Chemical treatment b. Biological treatment c. Anaerobic treatment
  6. Waste disposal by:
    a. Incineration of scheduled wastes
    b. Solidification
    c. Secure landfill

This course is designed for scientists who use mass spectrometry and wish to gain a solid understanding of the technique or who want to gain an awareness of its potential applications. The course is also suitable for novices and laboratory managers who will be employing mass spectrometry data in their analytical projects. The course will be useful for postgraduate research students embarking on research projects involving mass spectrometry.

The course aims for the trainees to develop understanding on the principles of mass spectrometry, to recognise the advantages and limitations of the technique, and to choose the most appropriate experiment for a particular analysis. Current users of mass spectrometry will find the course an excellent refresher to the theory and a means to keep abreast on the applications, and recent developments and advances.


Basics of Mass Spectrometry

–  Theory

–  Ionization Techniques

–  Common Mass Analyzers

–  Spectra interpretation

Important Fragmentation Processes and Patterns

–    α-cleavage

–   Inductive cleavage

–    McLafferty Rearrangements

–    Retro Diels-Alder Cleavage

Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS)

–    Hyphenated Mass Techniques

–    GC-MS

–    LC-MS

–    CZE-MS

Qualitative and quantitative applications

–   Structural Elucidation

–    Detection of Impurities

–    Identification of Proteins

  • Sampling Statistics
  • General Procedures of Estimation Uncertainties in Chemical Measurements by the GUM & the EURACHEM principles
  • Basic Procedures for MU with worked examples and exercises
  • Worked examples of MU by component-by-component approach
  • Strategy in implementing MU in Chemical Laboratory
  • Recent International Development of MU for Chemical Analysis

Method Validation

  • Guidelines for the validation of analytical methods in microbiology
  • Criteria and guidance for the validation of qualitative methods
  • Criteria and guidance for the validation of quantifiable methods
  • Criteria and guidance for the validation of molecular-based assays
  • Criteria and guidance for the validation and verification of commercially available microbiological diagnostic kits

Measurement of Uncertainty

  • Estimation of Uncertainty for Microbiological Counting Methods
  • Approaches to method validation
  • Performance characteristic of a method
  • Documentation and use of method validation data
  • Use of method validation data for quantification of measurement uncertainty and conformity assessment
  • General QA principles in accreditation
  • Introduction to QA and QC for laboratories
  • Personnel qualifications and training
  • Internal quality audits and quality review
  • Reference materials and traceability
  • Method validation and verification
  • Proficiency testing
  • Measurement uncertainty General QC procedures in testing
  • Replicate analysis
  • Spike recovery analysis with certified references materials
  • Instrument performance and calibration
  • Use of control charts
  • ISO 17025 requirements and SAMM Policy on proficiency testing (PT)
  • Organisation of PT schemes
  • Statistics in PT performance evaluation
  • Root cause analysis for poor performance
  • Corrective actions

Introduction to Hazardous Material

  • Acts and Regulations
  • Occupational Safety and Health Act 1994
  • Atomic Energy Licensing Act 1984
  • Environmental Quality Act 1974

Risk assessment and Prevention

  • Types and Classifications
  • Packaging, Labelling and Storage
  • COSHH and SDS

Hazard identifications and spill response plan

  • Logistics and handling
  • Import and Export of hazardous materials
  • Customs and HS Code
  • Sensitive and poison items
  • Transboundary and Basel Convention

Spill Response and principles

  • Industries
  • Hospitals
  • Laboratories

Emergency Response and Clean-up

  • Small spillage- laboratories and hospitals
  • Large spillages-industries
  • Exposure and limitations
  • Demo and Video

Emergency Response Plan

  • Action and reporting
  • Emergency Response procedure
  • Right Equipment and tools
  • Case study and analysis
  • Demo and Video