MJChem is double-blind peer reviewed journal published by the Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (Institut Kimia Malaysia) E-ISSN: 2550-1658

Analysis of Flavonoids and Alkaloids on Stick Based on Cham Flour (Sechium edule)

Regita Cahyani
Tadulako University
Jamaludin M. Sakung
Tadulako University


Keywords: Siamese pumpkin stick; flavonoids; alkaloid; UV-Vis spectrophotometer


Sticks are one type of snack that is very loved by all people, both children and adults. Sticks made from Siamese pumpkin flour (Sechium edule) are a healthy food product that may contain flavonoid compounds and alkaloids. This study aims to determine the levels of flavonoids and alkaloids contained in Siamese pumpkin sticks. Siamese flask sticks were extracted by the maceration method using 96% ethanol as a solvent for 1 day and 24 hours. Analysis of flavonoid and alkaloid content was carried out using the UV-Vis spectrophotometer method at a wavelength of 434.5 nm for flavonoid content and a wavelength of 273 nm for alkaloid content. The flavonoid stick content of Siamese pumpkin was 0,335±0,025 g/100g, and the alkaloid content was 1,014±0,038 g/100g, according to the results of the analysis. The alkaloid content is higher than the flavonoid content in Siamese pumpkin sticks.


Published 26 December 2023

Issue Vol 25 No 5 (2023): Malaysian Journal of Chemistry
