MJChem is double-blind peer reviewed journal published by the Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (Institut Kimia Malaysia) E-ISSN: 2550-1658

About MJChem

The Malaysian Journal of Chemistry (MJChem) is the flagship publication of the Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (also known as Institut Kimia Malaysia) which aims to provide a publishing platform for scientific research findings in the fields of chemistry and chemistry-related areas.

Words from


Datin ChM Dr Zuriati Zakaria
On behalf of the Editorial Board, I would like to welcome readers, contributors and authors to the Malaysian Journal of Chemistry , an open access journal published by Institut Kimia Malaysia. The Malaysian Journal of Chemistry (MJChem) aims to provide a publishing platform for scientific research findings in the fields of chemistry and chemistry-related areas. Since MJChem was accepted for indexing in Scopus effective June 2018, the number of publications have increased from two issues in 2018 to four issues in 2021. The journal publishes articles in all branches of chemistry : analytical , inorganic, materials, nuclear, organic, natural products, physical and theoretical chemistry. MJChem also publish articles of recent topics in chemistry such as nanotechnology and sustainability. The COVID-19 pandemic have hit Malaysia hard and have hampered research in the Universities and research institutions due to lockdowns. On the other hand, the Chemists showed resilience by using the time to write papers and participate in Webinars . MJChem accept high quality papers from Seminars which are reviewed by reputable chemists to be published as special issues in MJChem. I would like to thank all contributors, authors, reviewers, proof readers, the editorial board and ChM Dr Ngai Koh Sing, the Associate Editor for your continued support. Let us strive to do better, to get more citations so as to have a higher standing for MJChem.
It was a pleasure to have you with us!