MJChem is double-blind peer reviewed journal published by the Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (Institut Kimia Malaysia) E-ISSN: 2550-1658

Recycling HPLC for the Purification of Bis-Styryllactones from the Stembark of Goniothalamus lanceolatus Miq.

Nur Vicky Bihud
Universiti Teknologi MARA
Nurulfazlina Edayah Rasol
Universiti Teknologi MARA
Nor Hadiani Ismail
Universiti Teknologi MARA


Keywords: Recycling HPLC; Goniothalamus; Goniothalamus lanceolatus


An endemic plant from the rainforest of Sarawak, Malaysia, Goniothalamus lanceolatus Miq. was chosen for a comprehensive phytochemical study because of its ethnomedicinal properties amongst the natives. Isolation and purification of minor compounds having similar retention characteristics were made possible by utilization of preparative recycling HPLC. This approach allows the unresolved peaks of mixtures to recirculate into the column due to a recycle valve in the HPLC system, until the peaks were successfully separated as pure entities. Recycling HPLC expediate the isolation and purification of complex mixtures while minimizing the cost of the research. This paper discussed the approach of isolating minor components with a very low yield using recycling HPLC. A total of four new bis-styryllactones, goniolanceolatin B, goniolanceolatin C, goniolanceolatin F and goniolanceolatin H, and three styryllactones, (6S,7S,8S)-goniodiol-7-monoacetate, (1S,5S,7R,8S)-3-exo,7-endo-(+)-8-epi-9-deoxygoniopypyrone and (1S,5S,7S,8S)-(-)-goniofupyrone B were successfully isolated.


Published 09 March 2023

Issue Vol 25 No 2 (2023): Malaysian Journal of Chemistry
