MJChem is double-blind peer reviewed journal published by the Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (Institut Kimia Malaysia) E-ISSN: 2550-1658

Discovery of New Bioactive Secondary Metabolites from Psychrophilic Microorganisms - Mini Review

N. Wickneswary
Muntaz Abu Bakar
Rozida Khalid

Keywords: Bioactive metabolites; secondary metabolites; psychrophiles


Freezing habitats were long considered as being too harsh to support life. However, it is now known that an abundant variety of psychrophilic microorganisms can survive the harsh environment and these organisms possess amazingly diverse and biologically active secondary metabolites. Psychrophiles have to cope with some challenges, including hypersalinity of sea ice brine channels, the extremely low free water and nutrient availability in permafrost soil, and the unique light conditions. Therefore the survival of these microorganisms requires extraordinary adaptability and resistance against those stressors. This has led to the evolution of new metabolites with unique structures and biological activities. This review is an attempt to present some of the new sources of secondary metabolites produced by psychrophiles.


Published 06 August 2018

Issue Vol 18 No 2 (2016): Malaysian Journal of Chemistry

Section Article